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David Spender, Michael Swartz; CambridgeSoft Corp., Winchester, UK

The E-Lab Notebook is designed specifically to help chemists keep track of lab work in a fully searchable electronic environment. The principal functions of the notebook are to store collections of organic reactions, to perform stoichiometric calculations, and to track other related data such as laboratory procedures and spectra. Users can enter reactions, incorporate pertinent MS Office documents, and then search this data by text and substructure.

The E-Lab Notebook allows scientists to organize their notebook pages at either the personal level as a stand-alone desktop application, or throughout groups or enterprises as a client-server application. Electronic pages can be easily organized by therapeutic areas, projects, or as needed. Since enterprise groups can organize their notebook pages in a single data repository, colleagues can take advantage of each other's work when designing new experiments or analyzing their results. E-Lab Notebook is designed to work with industry leading database engines, such as Oracle (for small groups to large-scale enterprises) and Microsoft Access (for individuals or small groups). This ensures that the integrity of data is maintained using robust, secure systems.




Jeremy Potter; Accelrys Ltd., Leeds, UK

Much has changed at Accelrys since the last ICCS - not least our creation from a number of well-known names in cheminformatics! Our simulation and informatics solutions are relevant to every step of the drug discovery and development process, and Accelrys modeling and informatics solutions are actively assisting research and development at more than 90% of the top 50 chemicals companies worldwide. We will highlight some exciting new developments, including the Discovery Studio concept, and the new Accelrys cheminformatics server and clients which bring together the best of the RS3 and Accord chemistry engines. There will also be an overview of our current product range with an emphasis on new products in the data content area as well as key enhancements and additions to the extensive range of Accelrys software.



Last updated 05 January, 2005

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