Attention: There is a scammer/fake conference online which is also called International Conference on Chemical Structures and pretends to be organized in Barcelona. Please ensure that you do not submit your abstracts or any personal data like credit card information to the fake site!
Please submit your abstracts now. Abstract submission will close on February 1st
The 11th International Conference on Chemical Structures (ICCS) will take place in 2018. It will continue a well-established conference series that begun in 1973 as a workshop on Computer Representation and Manipulation of Chemical Information sponsored by the NATO Advanced Study Institute and thereafter was held under its new name every third year starting in 1987. The 2018 conference will build on the experience of the past successful editions to offer a strong scientific program which covers all aspects of cheminformatics and molecular modeling, including for example structure-activity relationships, virtual screening, modeling metabolite networks, etc. Participants discuss research as well as relevant technological and algorithm developments in handling and visualization of chemical structure data, workflows for complex cheminformatic analysis and machine learning. The conference fosters cooperation among organizations and researchers involved in the increasingly interwoven fields of cheminformatics and bioinformatics and combines in-depth technical presentations with ample opportunities for one-on-one discussions with the presenters.
The 11th edition will be held, one year out of phase with the intended triennial frequency, from 27-31 May 2018 at the beautiful Conference Center in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
The conference is jointly supported by: